Collection: Capital Fund Program
In the Capital Fund Program seminar, you'll gain practical knowledge through extensive review and discussion of the capital fund final rule. Participants will focus on melding capital planning into the PHA plan process, as well as how to use CFP funds for new construction and mixed finance development. In addition, this seminar includes information about new guidelines affecting management improvements, planning and reporting requirements, total development cost limitations, and other important changes. The class will discuss various scenarios, using a variety of techniques to enhance the learning experience. We recommend that CEOs (Executive Directors), CFOs (Finance Directors) and planning staff join modernization colleagues at this seminar, since the agency's mission, strategic goals, and objectives require a collaborative approach by policy staff as well as the technical modernization staff.
This two-day training is a comprehensive overview of all elements of the capital fund final rule and other essential related capital fund strategies relevant to public housing. Content areas include:
- Overview of the major changes in the CFP final rule
- New submission requirements
- Required linkage of the CFP and the PHA plan processes
- New (and existing) eligible and ineligible costs and activities, including the phase-down of allowable management improvements from 20 percent to 10 percent
- Obligation and expenditure deadlines and requirements
- Procurement mandatory references and requirements, including Section 3 requirements
- Physical needs assessment (PNA) requirements for large and small PHAs
- How the capital fund indicator is scored under the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS)
- Strategies to maximize occupancy
- Sample project reports
- Principles and steps of capital fund planning
- Compliance, penalties and sanctions
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Capital Fund Program seminar, you should be able to understand HUD's capital fund final rule and apply it in planning and development of public housing and mixed-finance projects.
Day One
- Understand the purpose and background of HUD's capital fund program, including the final rule
- Identify eligible and ineligible activities and costs under the capital fund final rule while understanding limits on capital funds
- Recognize the steps necessary for effective capital fund planning and understand the annual submission requirements
- Describe the capital fund formula components
Day Two
- Recognize the basic development process and understand the new rules for mixed-finance development
- Understand the capital fund indicator components and how the indicator is scored
- Recognize basic procurement requirements of the PHA and identify the principle of ethics in procurement
- Recognize the final rule's directives for compliance, possible penalties, and sanctions
Seminar #101-011
View the agenda for in-person classes
View the agenda for live web trainings
METHOD: A group-live seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group exercises, course books, and Q&A
LENGTH: Two days
AUDIENCE: Public housing asset/site managers, modernization coordinators, senior inspectors, maintenance supervisors, Executive Directors, Finance Directors and AMP managers
EXAM: The certification exam is available for $100. Select the exam during checkout or click here to view a list of certification exams available.
CREDITS: CPE units = 15, CEU units w/ exam = 1.2
Nan McKay & Associates is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417. Website: In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour.
CPE Sponsor ID# 101539
REGISTER: Select the seminar you'd like to attend from the list of locations and dates below to order online.